Haven’t been feeling the best lately, but took the time to go out to enjoy a coffee today.  Decided to go to Gattica in St Kilda East.  Have been to Las Chicas, which was a good experience, which was only a few doors down.  A few good places around the area, Almost Balaclava.

Gattica is a smallish place, though they have a courtyard at the back, which in summer would be nice and cosy.  Although the heaters were on, you could still feel the chill.

I ordered a latte and scrambled with a side of hash brown.  Didn’t feel like mushrooms today.  The scrambled was nice.  Well made, good texture, and good taste.  I didn’t take a photo of this today, was half was through and remembered.  It was a good breakfast.

Good Coffee

The Coffee

There was little acidity in the coffee,  not as vibrant on the tongue.  Though the texture of the coffee was just right, and the balance of milk vs coffee was good.  Overall it was a good coffee.

Rating 6.2  I liked this coffee.